Saturday, November 04, 2006

I couldn't help myself *puts on shame face*


Saturday, November 04, 2006

you know, I was considering joining livejournal because lots of people I know have accounts over there and i wanted to be able to leave comments but I realized why i gave up on livejournal long ago...

"Sorry, Maintenance"

Livejournal is down too often. I'll stick with my blogger

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Sunday, October 29, 2006

I have had a pretty magnificent weekend. On Friday, I went to andy's and smoked some salvia. It was weird. Body-wise, I mean. And then I ran to the countrystore and my mom picked us up. I was confused as all fuck and was swearing my head off at really stupid things. Afterwards, me and my naybors all ran into the car like a herd of elephants and I proceeded to swear at my mom in a crazed manor to speed up or wed miss the train until the trip faded.

All in all, I didn't miss the train. When we got to boston we ate dinner and then proceeded to get lost, like we do everytime, to find the Axis. I don't know how we manage it, but I've been to boston about 50 times and each time I end up looking like I have down syndrome to all the bostonians.

So we found it eventually. The first band sucked. The second was a little better. The third, which was the Toasters made me shit my pants with glee. the fourth which was Big D and the kids table, they pretty much kick major ass, but I was almost completely skanked out from the toasters. Oh and I took a tab. And there were a ton of extremely and unusually hot people there. Anyways, afterwards, we went to dunkin' donuts, however, I went to 711 because im not paying 3 dollars for a shitty smoothy when I can get an orgasmic 40 0z. slurpee for a little under 2 dollars. FUX DAT SHIT! So I shared a slurpee with niki and we saw some people we met at hempfest that had went to the concert too. We also took billions of sugar packets, to give to the homeless people. Unfortunately, we met no homeless people on our way to the train. So we sat with the hempfest kids and ate and snorted and had fights with sugar. It was a good time

Basically, my night was filled with skankin and substances.

Fun Fun

On saturday, I reluctantly went to the mall w/ alexa. Then I went home, got pissed at my family, slept over my naybors' and found out later that the reason i was pissed was because my vagina was bleeding. Fuckin' A. haha oh well. A sponge up my vag fixes that problem. This is probably a very awkward paragraph. VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA

and anywho, I pierced my ears, which was yet another bleeding hole on my body, I pierced mike's ear, and I cut his hair. Then we watched a documentary on the cockettes. Which, might I add was full of heroin and transvestites. It was neato. I fell asleep half way through though. Next morning, we baked pies and carved billions of pumpkins. I carved a skull, but it ended up sucking so I made him smoking a joint, and now its much better. I'll probably post pictures later.

I'm so pumped for Halloween :D

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Today was very good indeed. First of all, I didn't have to babysit today (YAY) and second of all, YAY!

So here is how my day went.

And then in Math class, which is disgustingly a waste of time, I recieved a text message from niki that read

Niki: I'm a lesbian and I love you ohhh soooo much and everyone loves you and you rock the world.

well actually, it didn't say that. But she did ask me if I wanted to skip today EFG w/ jahna and friends

So I skipped. And went to lunch two.

MEANWHILE.... we were walking on the traintracks and we had a good time. AND THEN! ALL OF A SUDDEN! OUT JUMPED A LIME GREEN GRASSHOPPER.

but this was no normal grasshopper, for it was huge. And very lime green. VERY.

Soooo, being the fucked up beings that we are, we tied some thread to him, named him voltface and walked him along the railroad tracks... well.. we more like dragged him down the railroad tracks. But it was good fun. GOOOOD FUNNNN.

seriously though, out jumped a snake. And almost ate poor voltface if it weren't for our swatting at it with our feet. And maybe the occasional yelling.

So on we went to continue our journey to walmart. We saw some nice sights on the way. Like trees. And more trees. And rocks. And more rocks. And lots of train tracks. When we finally got to walmart, we ran around the shop in carts and also walked our pet grasshopper through the store. Some old ladies looked at us funny but whatever. Also we ROSEBUDDED lots of goodstuff. Like a jug of fake blood for halloween. Which, might I add, I can't wait for. Halloween is my favorite holiday ever. Fuck all those rich kids that say christmas is the best. Those kids can go shove their new sidekicks up their clean assholes. I prefer my night of dressing up and scaring little kids much more than a day of getting 3 gifts and a shitty meal. BAH HUMBUG I LIKE TO BOO!

Anyways what was I saying? Oh yeah VOLTFACE! Here is a photoblog of me and voltface's wonderful day. Also, I don't understand the name. Niki made it up. wtf does it mean? I do not know.


Awwwwww.... He walks good.
But I don't like it when he gets in my face.

Voltface on binder

down syndrome zombie!

Voltface likes floral underwear

Voltface is big and hard

I enjoy catfood too, voltface

Voltface is a good grasshopper.

Oh how big and hard

This blog consists of an obnoxious amount of capslock

next blog will completely lack casplock

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Monday, September 25, 2006

I feel so ________ lately.
Feel isn't even a good word to describe it.
I need a pick-me-up.
Where's ecstasy when you need it?

Honestly though.

I made some skinny jeans though. And boy do I feel like a sheep. I've wanted skinny jeans for a couple of years now though... Meh... They look wicked sweet. At least 90% of the population can't wear skinny jeans anyways sooo its not like i'm going to look like everyone else. Fat people. Ha.

I also need to change my blog song.

yes, i do.

I wish I knew how to write down what i was thinking in my head into comprehensible sentences.

Ska makes me happy though. :D


Monday, September 25, 2006

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Know what sucks about today?

The impending doom of what is tomorrow.

Goddamnit. If school didn't suck so much I might want to go or something, but alas, my first semester is crap. A big bucket full of crap. A cement truck full of crap. A WATER TOWER FULL OF CRAP!

Three double blocks and no electives sucks.

Oh well, 13 or so days and im going to the aquarium ;) hahaha can't wait till that. :D

Annnnddd just think about AB gives me the heebyjeebies inside because im going to have a good cosplay this year.

In other news, I also finished Hellsing for the 2nd time and it is extremely cool but my favorite part of any of the episodes is still the beginning when the zombie's head gets squished all-kickass-like.

OH! and some more good news is the fact that I'll be getting a laptop soon or somewhat soon because i've been saving up. So this means more blogposts. YAYZORZ and more AIM, and more Art! vhdwlfoiasfebfsdbtrgsavasdvew




wow what a shitty post. I promise next one will be better :D

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Went to Boston today, It was fun. Second time I've been to boston this month. We went to Fanueil hall and shit and walked around, we also went to cambridge to the garage. I bought some cds... X-ray spex, X, junior senior, and some other shit. I'm just happy I didnt have to work tonight. bwah. I'd right more but I'm tired.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


My name's Amy.

Some call me amykins or Amy Griffs..

Navigate below and you'll do okay. Don't forget to leave me a comment.

HAHA douchetits

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